Friday, November 8, 2019

Canada Vs. The USA essays

Canada Vs. The USA essays Canadians and American are similar in many ways. Through history, one may notice that the two nations are both of European origin and that many of them speak English. Canada and the US had the longest undefended boarder until recently. We can drive for miles in each others country without any obvious signs that we are in a foreign county, until we come upon a Tim Hortons Donut store or Arco service station or a national flag. However, there are differences. Canadians have been described as American without guns, but with universal health care. This definitely hints at some of our distinctions. Regarding gun control, Americans value their freedom over social stability, whereas Canadians are the opposite. Canadians view universal access to health care as a moral issue for which we are willing to pay additional taxes in order to insure everyone. Americans do not. The American society is much more aggressive and wants all its demands met at its convenience, always pushing and placing a lot of pressure on other countries in order to get what Americans want. On the contrary, Canada is a middleman that negotiates and attempts to make peace with countries to suit Canadas needs. This gives the Americans the stereotype of a Rich bully and Canada as being the Peace Keeping country. Now on the other than international reputations, there are obvious differences between Americans and Canadians. This can be seen in attitudes and national pride. The Americans are overconfident and are always helping themselves to what ever they want as if its their god given right. The Americans also insist that they are the centre of attention, doing anything to be the coolest kid on the block. In view of the facts, Canadians are very polite and just generally nice people. We are not always showing off and trying to get the worlds attention. ...

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