Friday, August 21, 2020

Sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche

Sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche Anticorpi enemies of antigeni onconeurali come strumento diagnostico di tumori maligni e sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche. Caratteristiche delle singole neurologiche paraneoplastiche. Le sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche sono stati patologici associati a tumori, riconoscono quindi un tumore maligno come il principale fattore eziologico, mama non sono patologicamente associati alla diretta azione del tumore. Nella grande maggioranza dei casi riconoscono una patogenesi autoimmunitaria e originano nel seeting di un tumore a differenziazione neuroendocrina. il modello comune della patogenesi di queste forme assunte unaberrante espressione di proteine specifiche per il sistema nervoso nel tumore a differenziazione neuroendocrina. A questo consegue una risposta an autoimmunitaria antitumore cross reattiva con antigeni neuronali del sistema nervoso centrale e periferico. I tumori dei pazienti affetti da sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica tendono advertisement avere unevoluzione meno aggressiva rispetto agli analoghi tipi istologici di lavorazione generale di tumori e nel momento della diagnosi sono di regola limitati alle sedi primarie o ai linfonodi linfo regiona li. La diagnosi neurologica go before la diagnosi oncologica nel 70% dei casi e in un certo numero di casi, around il 15% il tumore primario non puã ² essere diagnosticato. Non sarã solo dopo un certo rhythm, da settimane advertisement anni. In una piccola percentuale di casi dalluno al 5%, il tumore non puã ² essere dimostrato per tutta la vita del paziente. peraltro nonostante la minore aggressivitã di tumori associati alle sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche la sopravvivenza di questi pazienti non à ¨ soddisfacente a causa del danno immune system irreversibile di vari organi sistema nervoso centrale e periferico che portano advertisement una malattia disabilitante, poco trattabile e mortale.lunica strategia terapeutica effettiva e la rimozione del tumore e quindi anche del trigger autoimmunitario. Si puã ² quindi considerare come questo sottogruppo di pazienti il problema della diagnosi precoce del tumore associato à ¨ particolarmente urgente. Mama à ¨ particolarmente complesso sciogliere questo problema per la difficoltã che spesso limpossibilitã di diagnosticare I tumori associati alle sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche in uno stadio precoce dato che la natura paraneoplastica non à ¨ in realtã patognomonica per I singoli noti processi neurodegenerativi cerebrali scatenati. Anticorpi onconeurali nella diagnosi delle sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche e di tumori loro associati Gli anticorpi onconeurali sono rilevati nella maggioranza dei pazienti che presentano la sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica e correlati allo sviluppo di un tumore maligno che il paziente. Questa la principale distinzione fra le anticorpi onconeurali e gli anticorpi hostile to neuronali di malattia immune system quale la miastenia gravis e la sindrome di Lambert-Eaton, o la neuro miotonia. queste ultime malattie hanno una trilogia sia paraneoplastica che neoplastica e gli anticorpi associati sono elevati in una comparabile frequenza tra questi due casi. In altro modo di desperate sono il diretto testimone ed effettore che la risposta immunologica antitumore e la risposta hostile to neuronale mentre quelli che chiamiamo auto anticorpi onconeurali sono il testimone primitivo della presenza di un tumore e di una risposta antitumorale, mama sono solo secondariamente responsabili dellattacco immune system al sistema nervoso. una sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica non à ¨ in genere sufficientemente specifica delocalizzazione del tumore mentre questa specificitã à ¨ maggiore, se il tumore primitivo non puã ² essere facilmente rintracciato, per gli specifici antigeni onconeurali induttori degli anticorpi. Questo permette di restringere larea di ricerca del tumore associato an una sindrome paraneoplastica. La descrizione degli anticorpi e antigeni ben caratterizzate riportate in tabella mentre la caratterizzazione clinica-laboratoristica delle sindromi cosiddette parzialmente caratterizzate à ¨ molto minore. In questo caso di anticorpi sono caratterizzati solo dalla colorazione di strutture neurologiche in immunoistochimica, mentre una possibile confermare la creativitã con specifici test in Western-smudge Anticorpi enemies of antigeni onconeurali come markers oncologici. Se la maggioranza gli articoli si sono focalizzati sulla reattivitã anticorpale promotion antigeni onconeurali nel sangue dei pazienti affetti da sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche, ci sono ora chiare evidenze gli stessi anticorpi sono predittore in primo luogo lesistenza e istiogenesi di un tumore, in secondo luogo della sua possibile localizzazione ed infine della presenza-tipo di sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica. Promotion esempio puã ² essere ricordato come si vede in tabella con il 20% dei pazienti con un tipo definito di tumore principalmente carcinoma a piccole cellule del polmone, sono sieropositivi per toll antigeni onconeurali. Alla stessa tabella si nota come tutti gli anticorpi onconeurali ben caratterizzati abbiano unelevata specificitã per la patologia onconeurali mentre il tipo numero di combinazione delle sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche partner non puã ² essere predetto dal design di sieroreattivitã degli antigeni onconeurali, promotion esclusio ne degli antigeni espresse solamente nel cervelletto, reattivitã chiaramente associata solo con SCA.inoltre la presenza di pazienti sieropositivi in cui il tuo non puã ² essere rilevato anche dopo lunga osservazione riflette probabilmente non una sufficiente specificitã del test (bogus positivitã ) e mama una alta sensibilitã nella detenzione di foci microscopici di un tumore immunogenico. la loro presenza non puã ² essere considerata come un mero epifenomeno, cioã ¨, promotion esempio riflettere sono un alto grado di necrosi apoptosi che con ulteriore iper esposizione di antigeni comuni a Sistema immunitario, mama si tratta di marker altamente specifici associati advertisement uneffettiva risposta antitumorale e la loro presenza, anche nei casi di assenza della specifica sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica à ¨ correttamente correlata uno stato limitato nel tumore al momento del beat di diagnosi. Certo la sensibilitã del 20% non permette a questi test di essere considerati un marker diagnostico ogni nuovo e sufficientemente potenti. Nondimeno possono essere considerati un efficace punto di partenza per il disegno di un pannello diagnostico che possa comprendere altri markers e ulteriori test.unaltra sfera di applicazione in questi marker e la predizione della risposta clinica alla chemio terapia o radioterapie. I dati ottenuti finora, a questo riguardo, sono ancora non conclusi

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to Compare and Contrast Essay Samples

How to Compare and Contrast Essay SamplesWhen you want to write an essay, first of all you need to decide on the topic you would like to cover. Once that is decided, you can look at some sample essays to help you get started. You can then compare and contrast your essay with these samples.The first thing to do is find some topics for your essays. There are several types of essays available, but you need to choose the ones that will best suit your personality and style.The first thing you need to do is determine the subject matter of your essay. That is the first step in comparing and contrasting essay samples. This depends on how you will be writing your own essay, but there are many different styles and subjects you can choose from. Consider the topic you have chosen and decide if it fits the style you wish to use.Next, you will need to choose what type of style you will be using. For example, if you are a writer who likes to write about people and personalities, you can pick a more personal subject than if you write about history. You can then read some essay samples to determine which style would best fit your needs.Next, you should read some different essay samples to see how they have been written. It is very easy to write an essay on the topics you have chosen, but you may find yourself trying to write essays with a different style than the one you originally chose.After you have decided on the topics and styles you want to use for your essay, you can then start to compare and contrast essay samples. This is probably the most difficult part, but will be worth it in the end.You can compare and contrast essay samples by reading the same sample, but over again. This way you can see how each essay has been written and you can determine what style would work best for you. This will also help you make sure you find the style that suits you the best.After you are done comparing and contrasting your simple essay, you can now find help and techniques for the topic you have chosen. It will be easier to write your essay once you have decided on the topic and one style to use.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How Helen Keller Helped to Improve the World of the...

Without doubt, Helen Keller is now a household name in nearly every part of the world (too bad she could never hear it.) Helen Keller faced many childhood and adulthood difficulties, and remains to be seen as an extremely positive influence for all women. From my perspective, she was a hardworking activist with her own personal views and opinions despite her ailments. Keller is a true role model for all women – especially those with their own diseases or disabilities. Feminists of all ages could look to the path Keller made for them in the world of women suffrage and equality. One of the things I found to be the most astounding about Helen Keller was how many organizations she had a hand in founding. To start, her own organization, Helen†¦show more content†¦Keller is accredited with helping to pave the road for womans right to vote, and the right to use birth control. She was also one of the main supporters of turning America toward socialism and equality, and was a strong supporter of pacifism. Keller actually protested against World War I in favor of the pacifist route, as she concluded that the war was only to benefit JP Morgan, as he had loaned so much money to the British overtime. Her views were that of peace and education, and she wished to aid Americas continuing wish of security, freedom, and prosperity. Keller was one of the best spokeswoman of the 20th century time period, and she was one of the few who suffered an ailment such as her own. Thankfully, Kellers efforts did not go unnoticed. I believe that Keller would be extremely proud of the leaps this country has made to overcome womans suffrage. Officially, the Nineteenth Amendment, which condoned the right to vote regardless of what gender the citizen is, was passed o the 26th of August in 1920. ( In addition to woman rights finally being recognized, women have gained at least some recognition in equality today (though they are not paid the same amount as men in most fields of employment.) The world has also made bounds foreword in the field of disabilities. Across the country, schools focusing on the same kind of disabilitiesShow MoreRelatedHelen Keller: A True Hero Essay1200 Words   |  5 PagesAll the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming said Helen Keller, a woman who faced many obstacles in her life (Fun). Most people dont dedicate their lives to help others, especially if they have disabilities themselves, but Helen Keller is a different story. At 19 months old, Helen Keller was diagnosed with a disease that led her to be deaf and blind. A true hero is someone who is dedicated to help others in need no matter the circumstances/struggle he or she faces, neverRead MoreHelen Keller: An Idol to Deaf People?2987 Words   |  12 Pages HELEN KELLER AN IDOL TO DEAF PEOPLE? Rona M. Stanley HIS 331: History of the American Deaf Community December 1, 2013 As children, many of us watched â€Å"The Miracle Worker,† the movie that showcased Helen Keller as a deaf blind child in need of communication. Through the movie, we came to admire and sympathize for this character as the movie portrays her perseverance to overcome her disabilities instead of resigning to them. The love and bond between her and her teacher, Anne SullivanRead MoreThe Story of My Life2883 Words   |  12 PagesThe Story of My Life by: Helen Keller I. INTRODUCTION Helen Keller overcame different difficult obstacles of deafness and blindness to become an influential lecturer and social activist. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Residential Segregation In America Essay - 1950 Words

Definition and Measurement of Residential Segregation According to Massey and Denton (1988), residential segregation â€Å"is the degree to which two or more groups live separately from one another, in different parts of the urban environment†(282). Now this is a pretty general definition, but it gives basic but good insight as to what residential desegregation is talking about. In this paper, I will mostly be focusing on residential segregation as it relates to the black and white populations in relation to one another, although I will be referencing some other races briefly to create a better understanding of concepts or ideas. At a deeper level, residential segregation has five different dimensions to it that it is measured by, those†¦show more content†¦1). As far as it goes for what is considered highly segregated measurements and lower segregated measurements, cities with a measurement under 30 is considered well integrated, cities with a measurement between 30 and 60 are considered moderately segregated, and c ities with a measurement over 60 are considered very segregated (Massed and Denton 1993, p. 20). One of the main reasons that the DI is the most widely used because it can be consistently constructed with the census data that is available during the time you are looking at, and this is and easy way to compare censuses numbers from different times in a consistent manner (Boustan, p. 1). As far as it goes for exposure or isolation, meaning, how isolated a certain group or race is, the way that it is typically measured is through isolation measures. Determining â€Å"the percentage of residents black in the census tract of the typical black in metropolitan† areas usually does this, and this can also be done with the white areas, and if the â€Å"whites tend to live in almost all white census tracts, this measure will take on a high value† (Residential Segregation Measurement Project). When we are talking about both the ID and the isolation measures, we are only looking at uneven settlement patterns and isolation in specific neighborhood, and they reveal nothing about what the â€Å"special arrangement of black community areas† in the landscape of largerShow MoreRelatedSegregation Within The Housing Market843 Words   |  4 Pagesviewpoints?† Some argue that segregation within the housing market has been a devastating, long-term, issue fo r African Americans as a result of racial zoning due to income along with race, while others believe that the United States has indeed enforced policies to prevent blacks from obtaining and maintaining wealth to merge with white communities. 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Color blind racism and white habitus has affected many people, whom don’t even realize that

Contemporary Worship Gestures free essay sample

Running head: Contemporary Worship Gestures Contemporary Worship Gestures Contemporary Worship Gestures Every Sunday in churches across the globe, Christian believers come together to worship. These people come from all walks of life and various denominational backgrounds to experience and glorify God together. Just as verbal cues are important, non-verbal gestures are also important and play a large part in these church services. ET Hall (2010) stated that â€Å"those of us who keep our eyes open can read volumes into what we see going on around us† (as cited in Knapp, M. nd J. A. Hall, 2010, p. 3). However, one might question whether gestures (particularly in the contemporary environment) have actual meaning as opposed to the solemn gestures associated with the traditional forms of worship. Therefore, this paper will discuss several non-verbal worship styles and the meaning of these in the contemporary worship environment. Population: Contemporary Worship Gestures I chose to focus my research on contemporary gestures in worship, because often these gestures are misunderstood. The gestures associated with this type of worship have been around for centuries, but still many see gestures such as lifting of hands, dancing, or clapping to be signs of disrespect to God. The bible says in the Old Testament book of Lamentations 3:41 (English Standard Version) that we are to â€Å"lift up our hearts and hands to heaven†, and in the book of Psalms 47:1 The bible says â€Å"clap your hands, all you people; shout to God with the voice of triumph†.I believe that gestures performed in these services create a language of their own, and by researching differences in meanings of these gestures, there can be a more complete understanding of these communications. . Thus, I find this topic will be of interest especially to those who have had no prior knowledge and or experience in contemporary worship styles. It is also important to note that there is no one wrong or right way to worship. The bible simply says Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. (Deut. :5) Whatever way an individual chooses to worship God is personal and does not have to reflect any one particular style. Contemporary Worship Gestures Hands in Worship- Where the traditional style of worship generally follows a solemn style of reverence by standing and reciting prayers or holding of hymnals while singing, a large portion of the contemporary approach involves the using of hands as a non-verbal expression of worship. Author Keith Drury states, â€Å"Hand-raising is a cultural expression—a means of non-verbal communication that carries meaning.What we do with our hands are often non-verbal words. Gestures with the fingers, hand or hands do mean things. Like words, they are used as expressions in worship. † Drury outlines five postures for the hands in worship today and how North American people tend to see their meaning. RECEIVE The posture of receiving is two handed, hands raised, palms facing up. The modern worshipper says with this posture, â€Å"God, respond to me, touch me, give to me, speak to me, fill me. † It is an expression that symbolizes openness for receiving from God a touch, a work of grace, or a gift.Receiving hands were periodically used in camp meeting revivalism, especially during the third part of worship, called the â€Å"altar service. † The worshippers or persons kneeling at the altar might be encouraged by the leaders to raise both hands to receive from God. STAND-IN-AWE The stand in awe gesture is two hands raised above the shoulders with palms facing up. The praise and worship movement has popularized stand-in-awe music and this posture has become an expression of engaged praise to God. It is a symbol of bowing to God in reverence and acknowledging his majesty and kingship in the life of the worshipper.SURRENDER This gesture is two hands raised in the universal symbol of surrender with palms facing out. Drury describes it as a physical act that represents absolute surrender to God. Worshippers use this type of gesture when connecting to God as a newly consecrated believer or exchanging personal will for God’s will. TESTIMONY The testimony gesture is one hand raised with the palm facing outward. When a courtroom witness is sworn in, this gesture is used to symbolize truth telling and the sworn word of the witness.The church has used it as a testimony-witness posture, which allows the worshipper to agree and say â€Å"I testify that this is true in my life. † Sometimes coupled with an Amen, many traditions use this gesture of agreement. COMMITMENT/VOLUNTEER The second use of the single hand posture is an act that says â€Å"I will† or â€Å"I volunteer. † It is also one hand raised with the palm facing outward. It is an act that emphasizes willingness to do whatever God requires. Dance in Worship- Another part of contemporary worship in gesture is in the form of dance.Dance is not generally seen in a traditional worship setting. The traditional style encompasses a reverence in gesture through the bowing of the head in prayer or by kneeling at an altar. These gestures are also embraced in the contemporary style of worship but unlike the traditional; dance is also an acknowledged part of worship. Dancing in the contemporary setting has been embraced and become an integral part of non-verbal expression. Praise in dance is mentioned throughout the bible. Sam 6:14 says â€Å"And David danced before the Lord with all his might. Reverend Robert Ver-Eecke (2010) said, there are explicit references to dance as a form of worship in the Judeo-Christian Scriptures, especially in the Psalms. Traditionally, untrained members of religious groups performed basic movements that were incorporated into prayer rituals. But in the past few decades, more and more secularly-trained dancers have also started using technical dance vocabulary to express devotion to a higher power, both inside and outside of their places of worship. Bohen, C. (2010), Dancing for a higher power.Dance Spirit, 14(10), 58. One of the premier Christian dance groups in the United States is Ballet Magnificat. This group teaches and performs liturgical dance in churches and auditoriums all over the world. Liturgy as defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary means rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship. Dancers using movement in this way are often referred to as â€Å"liturgical dancers. † Though many liturgical dance choreographers rely heavily on lyrical, modern and contemporary dance vocabulary, any style of dance could be â€Å"liturgical,† as ong as the primary goal motivating the movement is honoring God. Bohen, C. (2010). Dancing for a Higher Power. Dance Spirit, 14(10), 58-59. These professionally trained dancers, not only believe in the praise aspect of dance, but also adhere strongly to technique and form. Director Kathy Thibodeaux (2010) said, â€Å"there are a lot of people who have no dance training, who dance before the Lord as prayer time, but for what we do, we must have a technical background. Dance has a vocabulary, she says, and its hard to speak if you dont know the words. Bohen, C. (2010).Dancing for a Higher Power. Dance Spirit, 14(10), 58-59. Sheri Hayden, is a 22-year-old dancer with Oklahoma City University’s Spirit of Grace Liturgical Dance Company who witnessed enthusiastic reactions last year while performing a lyrical jazz piece set to the well-known Christian hymn â€Å"Amazing Grace† â€Å"It was awesome because everyone was glorifying God in their own ways,† says Sheri. For the six dancers in this piece the performance was their praise. Bohen, C. (2010). Dancing for a Higher Power. Dance Spirit, 14(10), 58-59. Liturgical dance is also instrumental in the art of storytelling.Stephanie Burklin is a nineteen year-old member of the Ballet Manificat’s training program and says one of her favorite dances is called Will you or Won’t you. This dance is inspired by a story in the Book of Daniel about three men who refuse to follow their king’s orders to worship a gold statue. In the biblical story, the men are sentenced to death, but God saves them. Created by Jiri Voborsky, the dance focuses on young people today and â€Å"how society often looks down on those who take a stand against things that have become the norm in our culture,† Bohen, C. 2010). Dancing for a Higher Power. Dance Spirit, 14(10), 58-59. Conclusion Learning from these examples of nonverbal gestures in worship, I can attest that these gestures play an important role in worship styles today. While many people do not embrace these non-verbal gestures in worship, it’s clear that these expressions continue to grow in contemporary settings. Writing this paper has given me the opportunity to reflect about my own experiences in regards to non-verbal gestures in worship.I have also had the pleasure of being part of many worship services in my life as a worshipper as well as a leader of worship. I have viewed both ends of the spectrum. I’ve seen pew hopping Pentecostals to slow strolling southern Baptist and most variations in between. I remember an experience a few years ago when I was approached by a woman after a service that I had lead. She expressed great pleasure about enjoying the musical group and the songs that were played, but said that the people were frozen and non-participating.She could not believe that individuals could be so restrained. She said she could not be herself in this type of atmosphere and would not be back again. At first, I was a bit taken back by her directness, but I also realized that she had a point. I went away from service that day a bit frustrated and a little down. After taking some time to reflect, I was reminded that true worship comes from inside the heart and each person has the right to expression in their own way without the judgment of those around them.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

System Requirements Specification free essay sample

Purpose of this document Document is being made to reduce the time waste. * 1. 2 Scope of this document This Document include the client and Parking area and Administration of Parking area And a car will be parked automatically. The client have to drive the car to the proper place from where the computer will pick the car and park it into the proper allotted place. There will be a specific cost for specific time period on the parking of the car. * 1. 3 Overview As the client give the proper data and parked the car, The car will be parked in the area after the time period client come back to pick the car, there will a cost of car parking according to the time client has parked in the car, after the paying the ticket he client will be able to pick the car. * 1. 4 Business Context this project is being done by the â€Å"A-Parking lot† which is future famous car parking lot company which provides the automated car parking. We will write a custom essay sample on System Requirements Specification or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page company main objective is to give such a system to reduce the time waste of human in finding the appropriate car parking. Product Functions This system will allow the client to interact with the system and find a way to get the car parked in very less time as compared to manual car parking, this car parking system needs some input data from the user to input to park the car. * System interact with the client in the very specified manner, a system will be there who allow the client to enter the data and also require the data from the user, without that data the user will not be able to park the car in the area. Main advantage of this system is there is no need to check the free place for parking, computer will automatically assign the place for any specific car and if the lot become full, computer will not let any more car to get parked. 2. 2 Similar System Information According to scope of this project, this software is a stand-alone and implemented independently of other systems working there in the company. But although this is a useful software and can also be used as component of a large systems. * 2. 3 User Characteristics The system requires a little training of the administrator and it will be simple. This application is intended for the employees that work in the company where the system is going to be implemented.. * 2. 4 User Problem Statement Currently there is no automated car parking is our country and which becomes very time wasting job oftenly,through this system users will be allowed to park the car in the computer assisted parking area so there will be very less time waste. * 2. 5 User Objectives User want to have a system in which they know from where to leave the car to let the computer park the car and there should be a very easy interface which doesn’t require any training. General Constraints the main constraint of this system is that the user has to park the car in the certain place from where the computer can pick the car and put in the proper place. 3. Functional Requirements 3. 1 Car Data: 3. 1. 1 Description it will allow the system to get the data of the car directly from sensors and user ID manually from the interface and a lot the specific ticket no. 3. 1. 2 Criticality Information about the user is the most important thing, because if it is not done there is possibilities that there may same shaped car given to any body else. Technical issues  there will cameras who will get the car info and user`s info will be given by the user through the interface. As there are many chances that the any equipment get damage in the assembling procedure so there is also need of high skilled electricians who assemble the system. 3. 1. 4 Risks If the car is not parked in the proper place then camera will not catch the properly so there are chances that the computer can not enter the data in to the system. As the electronics aren’t water proof so they should be placed in such a place where no water can touch the electric devices. 3. 1 lot sensor: 3. Sensors are installed in the lot so that they can sense where the space is empty to fill by the car or if the space is not empty the lot is full no more car can be parked in the lot. specific ticket no. 3. 2. 6 Criticality It is very essential for the whole system, if there would be no sensor then there will be a huge wastage of time to go to the every place and check the empty places. 3. 2. 7 Technical issues There will cameras fixed in each cabin and also a magnetic sensor will be there which will check the empty places and cross check the camera signal. Risks the system cannot operates the function if there is fluctuation in the electric supply as the fluctuation in the electric supply can cause the disturbance in the magnetic sensors hence disturb the signal for empty place. 3. 2 Interface: 3. 3. 9 Description: There will an interface for the user to get the car park and get the proper receipt of the car so that when the user get back to get the car back, user will enter the receipt no and get the car back. 3. 3. 2 Criticality It is the most important thing in the automated car parking . If it is not there, there will no chance that the user enter the data about the car and  get the Reponses from the system about the status of the car. Technical issues there will be a lcd place at the user end from where the user will enter the data and can operate the system. 3. 3. 4. 1. 1 Risks As the electronics are not water proof so Lcd must be at the place where water cannot approaches the lcd if the water approaches the 3. 3 Dependencies with other requirements Describes interactions with other requirements. 3. 4 others as appropriate 3 lt;Name of second highest ranked requirementgt; And so forth 4. 5. 4 4. 5 Dependencies with other requirements Describes interactions with other requirements. Interface Requirements * 4. 1 User Interfaces This application will use HOLO interface, simple and to the point. Therefore the side bar will list all the features including back button, etc. This application will only allow users to register and get the parking lot number. There parking lot number is also displayed on their phones. The interface is very simple which consist of login form and back forward buttons. * 4. 2 Hardware Interfaces The system will becomputer based, the user will enter the data through lcd to the system. The application will only be compatible with the Android operating system and will use a database stored on the device’s memory. There will be a service constantly running to keep track of the user activity and location of the user. 5. Design Constraints 5. 1 Operating Environment This project can operate able in : * Parking Garages * Camera and Sensor Companies * Hotels * Scanning Device Programmers 5. 2 Dependencies The app that is used for logging in via mobile device is dependent on the system having an active mobile data connection and an internal GPS. Other non-functional attributes Specifies any other particular non-functional attributes required by the system. Examples are provided below. * 6. 1 Security The important information of the user / employees that is taken for registration like his/her account number etc is only accessible by the company for billing or by the user itself . No one else can access such information. * 6. 2 Reliability This software is capable of handling all the worse events that might occur during the implementation and execution. * 6. 3 Portability It is portable. It can be used in any firm or company where they need parking area. It can be used specially in hotels, hospitals, and government offices etc. . 7. Appendices Specifies other useful information for understanding the requirements. All SRS documents should include at least the following two appendices: * 7. 1 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations Provides definitions of unfamiliar definitions, terms, and acronyms.